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Writer's picturethe War Doll

You Need to Hate

You need to hate.

And when I say hate, I mean an extreme aversion and repulsion that would leave no other recourse but to drive you to actions that lesser men of weaker convictions could not imagine.

The sun is setting on the West, and we are in the death throes of a collapsing society.

“Christendom is dead.” The Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once wrote of our modern time. 

“Not Christianity, not the Church, but Christendom. The economic, political, social life as inspired by Christian principles. That is ending – we’ve seen it die…”

Listen to me when I say this.

We killed it.

WE killed it.

We killed Christendom ourselves.

Through our inaction, our apathy and our weak convictions that led to a tolerance for all things evil.

We have let the rot in the spiritual fabric of our nation fester until it became gangrenous, pushing it’s poison through the blood of our society into every major artery; the justice system, the school system, journalism, media, the entire culture itself and even the church.

Like the demonic French and Bolshevik revolutions alike, we are on the precipice of disaster, bloodshed and chaos that will last a hundred years.

Why? Why has this happened?

It’s simple.

We did not HATE.

“Let those who love the Lord hate evil,” Says King David in the Psalms.

“The fear of the LORD is to hate evil;” wrote his son, King Solomon.

And if that wasn’t clear enough, the LORD himself spoke in Psalms saying, “The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.”

“Men have forgotten God,” Solzhenitsyn wrote of the ruinous Russian revolution, “That is why all this has happened.”

And you, Christian, while your society and culture and all you hold precious balances on the edge of oblivion -

Will you abide by the immoral filth and injustice that fills our streets?

Will you be subdued into a passive state by “…everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—”

Or will you, Christian, begin to hate?



Jozef Lalka is a former Infantryman with the Canadian Armed Forces and founder of War Doll.

Since releasing from the military, Jozef has devoted his life to the scriptural motivation of the warrior culture, and the mentorship of the next generation. Jozef works as a graphic designer, photographer and videographer while pursing a passion for current global conflicts and how they relate to historical events.


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