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Writer's picturethe War Doll

The Fairytale of the West

I'm going to say something very dangerous.

The fairytale of the West is coming apart at the seams. The idea of ​​a perfect homogeneity of different cultures and values ​​that bind a nation in unity for all time has proven to be false, and I wonder now how we ever bought that great lie.

The truth is, the republic cannot be kept.

Even democracy, or mob rule as it's more accurately known, is historically a fast track to the chrysalis of communism.

Libertarian ideals have not brought us out from under the iron fist of state control, but have instead brought us moral depravity in the form of drag queen story hour and the mass murder of children in the womb.

Look around you. Do you recognize the view out of Overton's window? Do you think with this level of polarization in society that we can possibly coexist with each other?

The collapse is already here. We're in the death throes. And it happened because we allowed those who valued not our foundational principles, to vote against them at the ballot box, having been granted the privilege of doing so simply because their parents had intercourse on this sacred soil and it somehow afforded them the right to vote their way to hell and drag us all with them.

It happened because we expected that National morality could prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

It happened because we shot a wrong bearing; aiming the compass of our national morality at liberty instead of conviction.

It happened because, in the absence of that conviction, we were allowed fear to take hold across our lands.

Fear makes tyrants of weak men, and so our lack of conviction was the seed that germinated into fear, and the tyranny of the weak prevailed in the absence of that conviction.

We have neutered the righteous power of the state under the guise of protecting the individual - when in all reality, we have merely enabled evil to flourish in the name of freedom.

That evil has then turned the state against us, but we even still refuse to fight back because of some misguided idea of ​​religiously mandated submission to its evils under the guise of that freedom.

We are entering a new season, where the ways of the old world will no longer preserve us in the pressures of the new.

Here's the dangerous part. If we do not gate keep the foundation of the west, with hardline moral, cultural and spiritual values ​​that cannot be compromised - we will cease to exist. If men continue to stand idly by, restrained by some false virtue of tolerance and liberalism- we will be consumed by our enemies from within. If we continue to make peace with evil, we ourselves will be destroyed by it.

The pendulum swing is already reversing the current course of our suicidal society who has marred itself with the blade of "freedom" it instead ought to have protected itself with.

Of course, we know the inevitable outcome of all this. Of all the cries of righteous men tormented day and night by the evil surrounding them. We see that outcome approaching on the horizon now, breaking across our political and spiritual field of view and illuminating our naive and foolish ways with the light of its ideal.

And yet, as profound as it is, that great and awful action was still far off enough that we dared not speak of it. Until now.

My brothers, the revolution may start in the streets, but it will only end when it lights aflame the hearts of every man in this nation to turn back towards the LORD.

The laws will only be rewritten, the morality will only then prevail, true justice and peace will only reign when we as men realize that we don't need a new political figure to alter our course.

We need Jesus the Messiah. We need him in our schools, in our city halls, in our public squares - and it starts with him being the center and foundation of our lives.

Do you want to save the republic? Then there's only one symbol to be raised atop every government building and every home in this nation, and it isn't a flag.

It's a cross.



Jozef Lalka is a former Infantryman with the Canadian Armed Forces and founder of War Doll.

Since releasing from the military, Jozef has devoted his life to the scriptural motivation of the warrior culture, and the mentorship of the next generation. Jozef works as a graphic designer, photographer and videographer while pursing a passion for current global conflicts and how they relate to historical events.


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